One Rong View

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

My Favourite Ad Campaign?

I asked myself this question today.

HAVE TO, HAVE TO, HAVE TO be the Diesel successful living ones. Ok, I guess that's cheating cos it's not just one but a gazillion blow-my-mind campaigns under the umbrella of the mother ship called "Successful Living," which is the brainchild of Diesel owner, Renzo Rosso.

Who can I blame? They're all amazing. Visaully stunning, conceptually solid as an anvil. Subverting culture, poking fun and getting people to think about issues. Not so sure about the people actually thinking about issues part. Cos I'm not betting on trendy ass suferficials getting epiphanies that will inspire them to spend their trust fund earned income on ending poverty instead of this season's must haves. Nothing against living the high life without the concerns that pertain to mere mortals that are the common man. Just stating the fact. That aside, the ads, they're genius. Sort of like selling out without selling out. How amazing is that.

Love the tongue-in-cheek irony, over the top quixoticness, rebelliously humourous goofyness. The awesome lineup of ad campaigns are a standard that I aspire to match.

Top contenders among the bunch: Take Action!, Advertise in New Markets, Historical Moments, Being President, Global Diesel Individuals Market Research, Sponsoring Emotions, Working Hard, Staying Young Forever, Loving Nature.

Indulge in the pleasure of viewing all of the diesel goodness here.

While I'm at it why don't I make a list of ad campaigns that I like.
Disclaimer: Thinking that the company's ad campaign is good doesn't mean that I necessarily endorse them or their products. It just means that I think the people behind the ads did a good job and that makes me happy.
Chick-fil-a "Eat More Chickin"
Ipod "Silhouettes"
Haagan Dazs "Impossible"
Star Bucks "Glen"
HP "Picture Perfect"
Microsoft "Start Anything"


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